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How to Succeed in Math
1. Attend Live Lessons: Attending all assigned lessons is very important for your success. Make it a priority and you will see the benefits!
2. Participate in the Lesson: The more you interact by using your microphone or chat, the more you will remember about the lesson.
3. Take Notes During the Lesson: Keep a notebook for math notes and write down important things during the lesson to help you remember them later.
4. Do the Practice Pages/ Activities: Complete the practice pages for extra credit and watch any videos sent after the lesson for review. This will help solidify your understanding!
5.Review the Lesson Again: You may need to watch the recording again if you did not understand the first time.
What is expected of me?
1. Attend & Participate: Attending all live lessons on the planner will give the highest chance for growth!
2. I-Ready Math Independently working in I-Ready at least 3 days per week to complete targeted minutes and units will provide important math practice.
3. Nearpod Practice: Completing all practice pages and activities from Nearpod or anything sent by webmail will also provide opportunity for growth.
What to Know about Tier 2 Intervention

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